The Burbank Foothill Area Community Transition Services (FACTS) program provides community based special education services to students who are determined by the special education school team as having an intellectual disability or moderate to severe disability and are entitled to a free and appropriate public education until the age of 22.
FACTS is designed to prepare students to perform skills needed to function successfully within a variety of community environments. These environments include, but are not limited to: the student's place of residence, employment settings, consumer/service settings and social/recreational activities. Each student has an Individualized Education Plan with goals based on specific identified transitional needs. The goal of the program is to assist students in deciding on a goal for life after high school to create a plan for achieving that goal and to provide the training/experiences necessary to accomplish those goals.
Curriculum for the students is functional in nature, reflecting skills needed in everyday life across domestic, leisure, school, community, and vocational domains. This program is designed to assist students by giving them the knowledge, skills, confidence, and information they need to succeed. Students are taught to make choices, communicate in functional ways, develop useful skills that reduce their dependence on others and learn social skills suited to their chronological age.