High School Diploma
Adult Secondary Education (ASE)
Burbank Adult School offers classes for adult students who are wanting to earn their high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate. Students who enroll in the class(es) can work at their own pace and can have contact with their teachers during their class office hours. There are several class times that students can choose from: mornings, afternoons, evenings and on Saturdays.
These are the steps to enroll in courses to complete your credits towards your high school diploma:
Send in your sealed official high school transcript to Burbank Adult School. Credits earned from any accredited US high school or foreign high school will be accepted. Foreign high school transcripts would need to be professionally translated before they send the transcript to us. To obtain the foreign transcript translation, please contact American Research Corporation: http://www.aerc-eval.com/
Complete your CASAS Assessment by scheduling an appointment at 818-729-5960 to take the exam on BAS campus. Students are to bring a mask and a photo ID with them on the day of the exam.
Contact one of the BAS counselors to get your transcript reviewed, enroll in the class and complete your Individualized Student Plan.
Cost: $0*
GED and HiSET preparation classes are also available. Adult School academic courses through APEX Learning meet the rigorous University of California A-G requirements.